Ultrasound Update
My ultrasound went great this morning...the tech says the baby is growing normal, heart rate was 158, there is no bleeding around my placenta or anywhere else...she's not sure what the brown discharge is from and the doc will call me about it later today after viewing the report, but she says there is nothing to be worried about. I am so relieved!!!
Our miracle!
AWESOME! At 10 weeks AND a heartbeat you are pretty much out of the woods!! Just think.....you're 1/4 of the way to holding your precious new baby!!!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
Yea!! That is great news. I'm going for yet another ultrasound in the main hospital tomorrow because no one can seem to get a good measurement for dating. Based on my last period, I am 10 weeks, 5 days. But both my ultrasounds have been way off from that and I think they just can't get a good shot since they have said as much as 2 weeks off and that is not possible based on when I got a positive home test.